I ran across this quote in a video on social media and it struck me so hard that I watched the video a few times just to get the wording of the quote right. It goes:
The magic you are looking for is in the work you’re avoiding.
Now, this could be taken in any context in which you find yourself – marriage, relationships, work. But because I’ve been on a journey of healing and growth, it spoke to that context, and here’s what I realized.
Those things within us that we avoid working on because we think dealing with them is going to be too hard, too scary, too traumatizing – that is where the magic lies. That is where the healing begins. That is where freedom is attained. That is where we become the glorious creatures we are meant to be.
Is it going to be easy? Most likely not. Is it going to be peaceful? Chances are, no. Is it going to bring up fears, thoughts, memories that we’d rather stay hidden? Probably. But that is where we get to conquer rather than be conquered. No war is won without a battle or two.

Will we want to give up? Yep. Will we want to surrender to the thoughts, fears, and memories? Uh-huh. Will it be worth it to continue fighting until we break through the defenses? Absolutely.
What this looks like is different for each of us. Everyone’s experiences are different, so everyone’s battles will be different. Everyone’s path will be different. But the end goal is the same: healing, freedom, and peace.
#magic #peace #healing #freedom
This post can also be found on my other blog, Take the Pictures, and on Instagram at takethepictures24.